It was a large gold ring. The ring glimmered on her ring finger. My first impression was a shimmer of starlight that surprised me. When she stroked its smooth surface, her frail tenderness was the softness of a glans penis. An atmosphere of happiness overflowed. Her ready smile was brimming with adoration. Her sparkling expression twinkled like a dancer’s breezy steps. When she drew the ring closer to me, her fi ngers danced. I saw the fl icker of fl ames from a cozy fi replace inside a homey cottage. The ring seemed to rouse a sense of belonging in her, like the gathering of the dew on a twig. Her eyes gleamed. She began to adjust her sitting position, staring deeply at the opposite wall as if an illusion of Mr Bao and saying, “Like your parents, the people of my generation in the village, I have never had a ring before, not even in my dream, let alone a real gold ring. But last year, Mr Bao bought me this one in the bustling Wangfujing Street. Strangely, I started to dream about always the same young me in diff erent weddings with diff erent rings and diff erent men.”She paused at a fl icker of abashment and turned to look at me as an amazing innocent. “You are an artist. Do you believe this ring can have any magic power over my dreams?”